Advanced CRV Training (6 weeks)

A thorough review and analysis of your knowledge of and practice work in Intermediate CRV is undertaken with a line by line, page by page analysis of your recent full session transcripts.

You will also be required to complete a comprehension assessment designed to determine your mastery of Stages 1 through 4 (Basic through Intermediate).

If your work does not meet the requirements for Advanced level training, we can discuss options available to you and help you decide how you would like to proceed.  See more information on Mentoring and Troubleshooting.

This Advanced level of CRV training is designed to acquire extremely detailed information using methods to measure and report on all aspects of a target, including how and where similarities and subtle differences come into play.

You will learn methods of reporting how various elements of a target relate to one another, as well as to the target as a whole, including for example, different people at a target site.

In relation to people, your focus will be reporting on what their purpose is for being there, what their role is, how they inter-relate – or not, what responsibilities they have in work, home and to each other. This training strategy can be used on any and all aspects of the target elements – the physical, the conceptual, the dimensional, processes of all kinds, and target information gathered over a span of time and at various locations.

In addition to all the previous 5 Stages, new tools in Stage 6 will allow you to create intricate drawings, sketches, scalar and other measurement-related information. This applications-style course is geared to begin transitioning you from CRV trainee to project team member.

After excelling in Advanced CRV level session work, a one-of-a-kind Operational CRV Training Program is available to you where the goal is to produce professional level, top quality CRV session work suitable for a client.  This is an exceptional training program for exceptional CRVers.

Completion of a course at this level prepares you to become a member of a project team, with a project manager working for clients who have demanding and time-sensitive projects, ramping up the responsibilities and the expectations of your work to a whole new level. If your goal is to become a professional-level viewer, I can help you with that.

To find out more about Advanced CRV Training, select “Advanced CRV Training” on the Contact Us page.  If your goal is to take training to the Operational CRV Training Program level, send me an Email so we can put a plan in place to make that happen.  Payment for all the programs available to you can be made through PayPal.

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